What are my options for requesting items to borrow?


Request from UC Berkeley: This option allows UC Berkeley students, staff, faculty, and UC Berkeley Library card holders to request a UC Berkeley item. With this option, users may:

  • request an item owned by one library location for pickup at a different library location 
  • recall an item already checked out by another patron

When the item is available, the user will be notified by email. The item will be held at the selected pickup location for one week.

Request from Interlibrary Loan: This option allows current UC Berkeley students, staff, and faculty to request an item not held by UC Berkeley. The Library will either borrow a print resource, or deliver a scan of an article or chapter. We have access to libraries worldwide.

NRLF article/chapter scan: For items housed at the Northern Regional Library Facility (NRLF), UC Berkeley students, faculty, staff, UC Berkeley Library card holders, and UC network borrowers are eligible to request digital scans for a portion of the work, including articles and/or chapters.

Special Collections request: This option, which appears next to the item rather than in the “Get It“ menu, allows users to request Bancroft Library materials housed either at the Bancroft Library or the Northern Regional Library Facility (NRLF). 


  • Last Updated Jul 13, 2023
  • Views 431
  • Answered By Instruction Services Division

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