Where can I find Insider Trading data?

There are several sources for insider trading data:

  1. Insider data is available in SEC Filings 3, 4 and 5. SEC provides quarterly insider data based on data in these filings. 
  2. You can find insider trades for individual companies in Mergent Online. Search for company. Select Ownership link-->Insider Trades.
  3. In CapitalIQ, search for Company. In the left column, under Investors, select Public Ownership to view details and insider trades.
    1. Or, select the Screenings tab-->Companies. Set up search criteria (by company, industry, geography, etc.) and add Insider Trading criteria by type of insider and type of transaction.
  4. In WRDS, select SEC Analytics Suite and either SEC Filings Search of SEC Filings by WRDS dataset where you can search by filing type. 



  • Last Updated Jun 12, 2024
  • Views 241
  • Answered By UC Berkeley Librarian

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