What are the penalties for the late return of a recalled book?


Checked-out items can be recalled at any time, and you will receive an email upon recall, specifying the new due date for the recalled item. If a recalled item is not returned by the updated due date your library account will be blocked the day after the due date, which is sooner than your account would be blocked for regular overdue items.

Upon return of the overdue item, the overdue recall block will be removed.  Furthermore, if billed, the replacement cost of the book will be automatically removed from your library account, but a $10 processing fee will remain.  Please note, if the Library has purchased a replacement copy for the item while the recalled item is still outstanding and billed, there will be no removal of the replacement cost. 

Patrons who accrue more than $50 in fines will be blocked from using the Library until fines are paid at the Doe Library Privileges Desk or online via My Library Account; those with balances over $200 (e.g. two or more billed items) will be blocked at the campus level. For more information on library fines please see the Pay Fines page.

  • Last Updated Jul 01, 2022
  • Views 586
  • Answered By Privileges Desk

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